Fiction story ; The clean message of my love .

 A message arrived from a distant city, rumbling like rain descending from the heavens. Many individuals from various families gathered to listen to the sweet message.

Grace inquired, "Have you heard the message?" 

Fatuma responded, "Yes, I have heard it!" 

A large number of people rejoiced at the message from my beloved, which was filled with philosophies both worldly and otherworldly. It was a celebration of joy, akin to a wedding that had never been witnessed before.

Grace was a considerate listener, keen to interpret everything happening around her. She often informed her neighbors about any events occurring in their village. 

"If you have heard the message, let us prepare with clean attire to welcome my beloved's wedding," Grace declared. "What are its characteristics?" Fatuma asked along with her friends.

Later, Mussa from a nearby village suggested that if they wished to look their best for the wedding, they should discard all old, dirty clothes and don new garments for the celebration. 

"Indeed," James nodded in agreement. "But we must first read and understand the times, and when the moment arrives, we will be ready."

"The celebration is set; have you not seen the clouds?" Grace asked. "The clouds rumble with the light of joy, like stars in the sky." "I have seen it with my own eyes!" Mussa exclaimed joyfully. 

"Why must we always know and understand the time?" Fatuma questioned. "Yes, we must, Fatuma," Grace replied.

"The profound Science of love shines like a blessing in our lives," Grace said. Thousands from neighboring areas witnessed the wedding and congratulated the bride and groom on their special day. 

"Oh! Grace, how are you?" a man called out. 

Grace replied, "I am delighted to see you!"

Main characters of the story 
THE FAMILY OF VISION, In the village of Mwalushu, there existed a family that attracted many people, much like bees drawn to a hive. This family possessed a vision regarding various matters that frequently unfolded in the neighboring villages. The community affectionately referred to it as the Village of Light, as it was characterized by continuous efforts and fresh perspectives. One day, a man approached the village with numerous concerns, particularly regarding his dreams. He pondered, "How can I receive guidance about my aspirations? I am working hard, yet things are not progressing as I had hoped!" Later, he encountered Erick, the chairman of Mwalushu. The man greeted him, saying, "Hello, Erick. How are you?" "I am well," Erick replied. "I have long-standing issues concerning my dreams. I am doing everything I can, but things are not unfolding as I expected! Can you assist me, Mr. Erick?" the man implored. "What kind of issues are you facing?" Erick inquired. "The issues pertain to my dreams," the man responded gently. "If you wish to uncover the challenges related to your dreams, you might consider visiting a particular family in Mwalushu. There is a gentleman named Isaac, who specializes in identifying people's problems," Erick explained. "Thank you, sir!" the man expressed gratefully. Isaac was regarded as the chief healer of Mwalushu, renowned for his expertise. He operated under a guiding principle: "Good results come through hard work." The following day, Isaac met the man in a nearby village called 'Walla.' "Oh, sir!" , said the man "I am Isaac," Isaac spoke gently. "I have been troubled by disasters for a long time," the man replied. "I heard about your issues from the Village Chairman. If you want your problems to be resolved, you must work diligently. Hard work will provide you with guidance and direction in your life. Additionally, you should be grateful to God for everything."Isaac added "The sweet message of success arises from your efforts and the artistry of your mind. You cannot experience the rewards without facing challenges, as challenges are the rewards for every human being in the world," Isaac stated. "When we engage in work consistently, many doors of understanding open up, as work allows us to see things we have never encountered before. If you stop working simply because you do not see immediate success, the fruits of your labor will wither and die," Isaac explained. "Our seeds are meant to create a better world; pain cannot hold us back, for sometimes it serves as a lesson that teaches us wisdom, prudence, peace, and a good life for everyone." "Our doors open through hard work and diligence, as work is the essential key that unlocks doors and paves our paths in life," Isaac remarked. Each moment in life is a crucial step that stands in the flow of existence. "You say that things are not going well for you; do you have an idea?" Isaac inquired. The man responded, "Yes, sir! I have many ideas that I have developed, but I lack direction to guide my thoughts," he added. "Every idea has principles to reach a successful conclusion, and an idea without calculation is like smoke without direction," Isaac elaborated.

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