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why is philosophy an important factor in understanding the present world?

Understanding the universe

In the current history, research is an important method that collects images, through the use of a philosophical tool, these images give us a new type of innovation and science in the world. And this image is shown with one main tool called philosophy .

Every time our eyes get dark , they need light to see a clear natural form, that's when philosophy works like light where it opens our eyes and makes us know the world and its Secrets, and we know these Secrets through research.

Philosophy is my tool, 

which shines light on the whole world, 

and shows me a beautiful pictures of the world, Philosophy is a root that does not wither, 

Even in difficult times this root continues to flourish, 

what philosophy is this? 

It really never gets tired of enlightening me .

Every time I create science, it comes through a philosophical system that shows me a clear diagram of ideas and inventions. When we say that writing is a clear thinking , because it illuminates many things and collects them in a group with real meaning .

Mussa is a professor of philosophy and literature at the University of Dar es Salaam. He said that if you want to understand the world, you should be an expert in understanding pictures easily and it's meaning, because every picture you make describes the reality of the elements of the world . 

So philosophy is like an important sun that shows all the elements in the world, for example, stars, planets, visions, Arts and many things in the universe.

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