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Why is philosophy a great tool in connecting people with a new light in the world?

Philosophy as a big piece in connecting people around the global

 The movement of wind in a substance often accumulates many things with full matter and shape . When we use the understanding of philosophy, we give us new written papers on the main characteristics in the world, philosophy is a big wind that collects many things with the aim of creating new energy and a new direction in certain goals , on the other hand philosophy makes us know the appearance and behavior in the universe.

When you are discussing questions on your own about the universe , you often ask yourself; what is the greatest number of planets ? What is the purpose of planets and other things? Which force creates equality and equilibrium in the universe? What is the greatest science of living with people? When we ask ourselves questions like this , it is one of the obvious systems that is like an important essence to solves challenges and see new ones in the universe.

The power of philosophy is like a mirror that reflects and sees things hidden in the obvious trend of directions .

The movement we live with is because of the mirror of philosophy that reflects things , people and all planets , and creates a great science with the power and size of eyes in seeing something.

The great message of philosophy is to create a clean world with unity , solidarity and a big vision on all things around us .

"Philosophy is one thing with a picture of the world,

Because it illuminates and creates the well-being of people's minds ,

Philosophy is a mystery with many things that is seen in every substance of the world and beyond the world,

It is a great book with all the secretes of science and a strong light in our lives "

Philosophy is a force that surrounds something and makes it stay at a calm point without shaking , for example; when you put a lot of particles in the cylinder, it often goes down to the butt of the cylinder and settle without shaking, in the same way philosophy connects many points of the substance and makes them live in unity without turmoil.

Therefore , the main tool of philosophy is to ensure that new things emerge and their reasons in a specific order .


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