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Why is philosophy a great tool in the formation of new ideas ?

 Every part of the world is surrounded by all kinds of inventions where philosophy is like an important tool that creates new visions and perspectives of the world including theory , science and art . In the world people like to ask that , will there be new discoveries later ? What is the secret of the world? What guides the system and mental forces ? Why is there a relationship ? Will philosophy continue to evoke new secrets and new ideas ?these questions are like an important root that shows the direction of growth of something or the continuation of something.

Philosophy has reigned in the eyes of people in all parts of the world, everything that emerges is due to the origin of nature created through the vision of philosophy. Philosophy is a great tool with a system to examine and interpret the truth of something with a big vision .

Philosophy is a strong root that grows even in dry place , these roots expand and grow many roots in different structure called morphology.

Each root begins with a solid foundation where it is like an important center for the continuation of something , when we use philosophy it changes us and gives us strength that evokes many sources of something, for example , why is there sun ? Why are there planets ? Why is the sky blue ? That why we can conclude that philosophy is a strong tool that helps us build many foundations of things in the world.

Sun emitting it's light toward the people
Group discussion that focus on innovation of new ideas through philosophical exercise .

"Philosophy is a big piece 

Like the size of the sky 

With strong roots in all seasons 

A hard stone that shines in all parts of the world ,

Even its positive and negative charges 

Captures and creates strong electricity ,

In all parts of the world"

Every substance that we live near can be translated using the main philosophical tool that is like an important engine to dig through step by step . Philosophy has a tendency to be hungry that's why its investigations solves problems even in an impossible place . Let's all hold the root of philosophy in business , science and all the habits of the world to widen the path of our eyes.

_Note :This article is still continuing.........

By Michael Mtemwa.


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