Physical exercise is a great solution for strengthening all parts of the body against diseases

Every living things in the world needs exercise to protect the health and strength of the body . Physical exercise plays a big part in human life , because it contributes a large percentage to strengthening the body's organs .

Man needs daily exercise to make the body strong in its functioning , because the human body is full of waste that sometimes causes physical ailments.

The importance of exercising helps to remove waste from the body , for example , salt , carbon dioxide and many others __when all these come out of the body , it make the body strong and strengthens the body's immunity against diseases .

It help to reduce heart diseases , through exercise , body fat decreases and makes the heart work well without any problems, it also reduces the body's pressure caused by the amount of fat in the body or natural obesity .

Experts say,  exercise is a great solution in creating an active mind , because exercise helps to improve the body's communication system and it also support good brain function in the body .
running as an exercise for the body
Physical exercise in Dar es salaam 


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