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Only art can design science

 The form of art has many things in the real world, in art we rely on many things that are produced as products in our lives , investing energy in seeking art expertise is the same as finding light that is equal to the sun that illuminates the whole world and allows light to spread in the eyes of people on the face of the earth .

Art in our lives enable us to see the correct map of scientific creativity, we rely on art to make pure products of science , for example language formation like programming language, natural language and all other things depend on the basis of art in the introduction of something.

Every time the mind shakes in the brain , it creates many artistic things that produce a good example of thoughts , these thoughts are filtered after they are released from the shell of the mind and become eloquent and meaningful thoughts in the world.

The knowledge of art in various subjects has had important documents that guide the understanding of matter and the paths of the center of matter .

Art is like clouds that show the response of rain in the area . When the clouds are moving in the sky , it is a sufficient sign of rain falling . In the same way , when artistic ideas are created it is a sufficient indication that fulfills the scientific mystery .

Art is like a skeleton that maps an object before the actual scientific form is made , art is a method that shows the correct point to reach in the action of something.

Therefore , art is an important point that shows the future of something in a special light of research with a professional mathematics and a collect philosophy of something in the world.

The formation of science from art

Note: any suggestion or comments are allowed  _ I would be happy to answer it .

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