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Mwanza region to expand corn production

Corn production

 Maize production in Mwanza region has increased from 50% to 80% , this is due to high  amount of rain this year . Corn production has been the catalyst for success for many citizens of Mwanza region. Mwanza is one of the regions in Tanzania that produces a lot of food and is one of the regions with a good climate.

Mwanza region is known for fishing and business activities , sometimes it is known as a fish city because of its high production and many fishing activities . According to results of last year's studies , they showed that Mwanza leads in the production of cotton ,corn and rice by large percentage in all regions of the lake region .

Despite having many fishing activities ,but also one of the regions with the largest statistics in food production , the year 2024 has been a year with a lot of rain and thus has led to an increase in the production of grain crops from 60% to 80% . These are some of the full statistics for the year 2024.

Due to the government's plan to introduce subsidized fertilizers for the people , it is a plan that aims to strengthen the best production of crops for small and large farmers who cultivate wider and small fields . 

The idea of introducing subsidized fertilizers in all regions of Tanzania aims to increase the national income by 98% . president Samia is investing a lot of energy to strengthen the lives of farmers and academics where the goal is to strengthen the economy , business and health for the people.

" We are adding subsidized fertilizers and distributing it to all Tanzanians which will help them improve crop production up to 98% . This fertilizer is specialized for all citizens especially small and large farmers" president Samia.

"As a country , we invest a lot of energy so that citizens can benefit from resources through promoting and increase various services and better agricultural concepts which are like a catalyst for increasing the economy for all Tanzanians", president Samia.

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