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An educated woman explains the reason why she likes to live in a village

Doctorate woman

 An educated woman with a degree in medical education has explained that she likes to live in the village because she is committed to helping pregnant mother's suffering from reproductive diseases as well as other diseases that bother babies . Despite the shortage of equipment to provide health services in hospitals , she explained that it is one of the most troubling challenges when she provides health services to patients.

" I like to live in the village to save people's lives especially mothers and small children, I volunteered to help them because they were suffering a lot in the past and unfortunately many scholars were moving from the village to the city, because of the difficult environment and bad appearance , so I am committed to helping them as a government employee ", she told mtemwapoetry.

In Kwimba district in Mwanza region in the village of Walla , the educated mother with a doctorate degree has been treating many patients a day , pregnant women and infants suffering from malaria and other air diseases , despite the lack of good infrastructure such as asphalt road , it has also been a problem which has been affecting the provision of health services to citizens.

Despite the increase in climate change in the area , it is one of the challenges that cause negative harm to people in Kwimba district, for example , the increase in temperature,cutting of trees , the burning of charcoal and many human activities.

"I often wake up at nine o'clock at night to go-to work and this is my daily life because there many patients especially pregnant mothers ,sometimes I don't even have time to read books ", she said .

The mother known by the name Monica expressed her feelings about her love of providing health services to rural mothers especially pregnant women , her life stories are full of attraction and comfort about her good performance in the provision of health services to mothers .

" I have not chosen a life to live , but it is God who has chosen me so that I can help people who are suffering from long__term problems especially health problems , people have been running from the village toward the city because of the difficult life in the village , but that has not hurt my heart ! Wherever success occurs", she explained with emotion .

A recent study by the district ,it showed that 59% of mothers in the village die of reproductive diseases including miscarriage as well as other problems such as malaria , which is a challenge for pregnant mothers. 

Monica , who is currently a village doctor , believes that kindness bears more and more fruit . Because her happiness as a midwife is to fulfill and help the problems of her fellow mothers .

In her wise and wise history she reminds him of the period when she was a child , she once dreamed that,  what she dreams of with sincere love , one day will come true because every seed you plant, one day comes to give the answers you thought .

"My affairs have been literary in all my times that I see ,I was born to be a midwife , since childhood this dream in my mind told me ", she said.

"A few years ago I managed to do many human fertility experiments that gave me great respect in my doctorate , this practice was like oral literature that I will remember through out my medical life , every experiment that I did gave me positive results, because I loved the work of medicine from the heart and I have learned that the feelings of the heart in the experiment always fulfill the goals perfectly", she said .

" It's a difficult time that I'm going through but since it's a job that's in my heart , I don't mind ! Despite the overcrowding of sick people in the health center , I'm trying to treat slowly ,the changes in technology and AI have made a lot of work easier for me that I did at first at a difficult time , but now AI is working in many issues and processes while treating patients ", she told mtemwapoetry.

Monica's activities as a doctor and her decisions of comfort have become an attraction for society and the world as well , the goals of helping the  people as a doctor reflect that , if God plans a plan it is difficult to undo it , despite many scholars running from the village to the city , Monica believed that helping people is the source of increasing many doors of success in life .

"Sometimes we humans force things without putting God's hand in our ways and as a result we fail , God has written that every human being has his way to pass . To work in the village as a doctor it is God's plan and always a good job creates many successes with pure products in the real world", she said.

"In the health center of Kwimba district , I have had many strategies every day , because there many patients per day especially pregnant mothers ,  I am thankful that AI had been the best concept in our medical activities especially in all matters of health services ", she added .

Monica was born in a family of great poverty where mothers when she lived suffered a lot from reproductive diseases , her dream was to reflect the suffering of mothers when she lived in her village where she believed one day she would come to help them through her medical talent .

"In life , many things start to reflect your life and later only when you live in a certain area and that area builds your character due to your ability ", she told mtemwapoetry.

In her book I was born as a nurse , she explained that life plans for us God from point A to B , that's why Monica has been living in the village to help pregnant mothers during her working days and she believed that , the work of helping mothers as a doctor is her approval for the rest of her life in this world.

Monica , who is currently the head doctor of Kwimba district , explains that everything we have , but the doors are opened by God at the right time .

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