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Why does literary discussion help solve challenges in art ?

Literary discussion
Literary discussion is a type of discussion that is done by a group of people to  solve problems in various artistic works . These discussions tend to have the same goal of solving challenges in various artistic works with complexity and difficulty of language .

These discussions solves the problem by analyzing and editing all the author's works to find the real meaning within the work of art .

Below are the benefits of analyzing a work of art :_

  1. The analysis of a work of art helps to list the problems and shortcomings that have arisen in a work of art , thus helping to solve and improve  the work of art more eloquently.
  2. A good analysis of books increases a lot of energy for the author after learning his shortcomings in the literary book .
  3. The analysis of a literary work helps to bring good education to people with poor understanding minds especially when the writer uses difficult language in his work , so audiences become difficult to understand , so through the analysis of books , it becomes easy for all people to understand even if they have a poor understanding of the work of literature.
  4. The analysis of books increases the motivation to read the book of the author especially when the poetic language is simplified , it increases motivation and make many people like to read the author's book which has a difficult literary language.
  5. It facilitates harmony between teacher and student , when a work of art is listed and analyzed , the teacher of literature has a good ease of making students understand more clearly .
  6. Analysis of artistic works is used as a house to build society so that it lives in values , good intentions and beneficial education for all people in society .


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