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Tanzania has planted one billion trees to save ice on mount Kilimanjaro

Planting trees in northern Kilimanjaro

 Deputy minister office of the vice president union and environment , Hon . Khamis Hamza Chilo has launched and participated in a tree planting exercise on the side of mount Kilimanjaro to reduce the rate of melting of the ice of the highest mountain in the world due to the current climate change affecting the world.

"Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the values of the nation , so planting of these trees will help save the ice of this mountain which has continued to be a great attraction for tourists to come and climb and witness the ice " , Chilo said .

"I congratulate the Nessa foundation for coming up with this campaign that will help strengthen the ecology of our Kilimanjaro park , also the planting of these trees will increase the amount of rain for these Northern regions and reduce the effects of climate change ", added Hon. Chilo.

Researchers have said that by 2050 the ice of mount Kilimanjaro located at the peak of Uhuru will disappear 5895 meters , so the planting of these trees will help increase the ice and reduce the carbon dioxide which is a major driver of global warming . The heat has had negative consequences of increasing the rate of melting of ice .

Along with planting trees too ,Hon. Chilo has asked some Tanzanians who have habit and habit of invading protected areas to engage in human activities to stop immediately , because apart from destroying natural resources it will also affect the entire tourism sector.

Also , the Director of Nessa foundation , Ms Deborah Nyakisinda said "we thank you you (TANAPA) through Kilimanjaro national park , Kilimanjaro regional government and all the stakeholders who participated in this trees planting campaign so that these regions are green"

Assistant commissioner for conservation business development  ( TANAPA) , Julli Lyimo,  congratulated all stakeholders for coming forward to support the efforts to plant trees to save the ice of Mount Kilimanjaro.

"This event has the appearance of protecting the environment because we have planted trees and we have done local tourism , I welcome Tanzanians and non_Tanzanians to visit national parks , I also want them to continue to take care of the environment of this mountain so that it continues to be the best attraction in Africa and the world in general ", added Commissioner Lyimo .

Also , Chief conservation officer , Mapinduzi Mdesa who is the head of the Kilimanjaro national park tourism division encouraged the audience to vote for Mount Kilimanjaro which is competing for the World Travel Awards (WTA) in the category of best tourism attraction in Africa for the year 2024 ( Africa's leading tourist attraction 2024 ) 

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