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Yanga sc supports president Samia's efforts in promoting tourism

Yanga team vists Arusha national park
Team yanga's in Arusha 

The President of Yanga SC Engineer. Hersi Said and the Leaders of the Yanga Football team visit Arusha National Park today monday 3 jun,2024.

The visit has been received by the Head of the Arusha National Park, Assistant Conservation Commissioner Yustina Nizango as well as various senior leaders of the Organization.

Speaking after visiting the Park, Yanga President Engineer Hersi said 

“We as Members, Leaders and lovers of Yanga have come here to support the efforts of the Hon. President to promote our Tanzania but we will also use these opportunities to announce the work of the Hon. President Outside Tanzania” said Engineer Hersi.

In addition, Hersi added that the issue of Tourism is not only a matter for foreigners and gave an opinion to Tanzanians, members and lovers of Yanga to visit National Parks.

“We Tanzanians have a great opportunity to contribute to our tourism through local tourism but also advertisements and support the efforts of the Hon. President through the film “Royal tour” and now “Amazing Tanzania” which have opened the borders for visitors to come and enjoy our attractions”

Welcoming the visit to Arusha National Park, Assistant Commissioner for Conservation, Yustina Nizango praised the great efforts made by various sports clubs that have been supporting the government's mission of the sixth phase in promoting the tourism of our country and gave an opinion to the members to continue supporting the efforts made by the government in promoting these attractions inside and outside the country, including visiting them in large numbers to increase the national income through domestic tourism

It will be remembered on August 20, 2023 Hon. President of the United Republic of Tanzania Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan participated in recording a new film to promote Tanzania called “Amazing Tanzania” which was officially launched on May 15 this year in Beijing, China featuring Presidents Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan and Dr. Hussein Mwinyi where through these films we have witnessed a large number of foreign visitors as well as a great awareness of local tourists who come to visit our attractions and contribute to the national income.

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