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Global temperature is changing than normal

An earth _wide temperature

 50 Senior scientists have warned that global warming is increasing rapidly at a time when the chance to prevent rising temperatures within the goals of the International standards set is coming to an end.

DW Kiswahili has reported that in a study published today in the journal Earth System Data, the scientists have said that on average one decade (10 years), temperatures have risen by 0.26 degrees from 2014 to 2023. 

This study has come at a time when diplomats from all over the world are meeting in Germany this week for mid-year climate talks, leading up to the United Nations General Conference on Environment COP29 to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan in November.

This study is also part of a series of climate audits designed to close the gaps between the reports of the United Nations Organization on Behavior, IPCC, which have been released on average every six years, since 1988.

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