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A 23_year_old beauty has confirmed that Art is her studies

A beauty with desire to teach abroad

 A beautiful girl who studied at the University of Dar es Saalam has said that her Art studies attract her and she is psychologically prepared to teach in schools when she is hired by the government.

The beauty , who is known for knowing kiswahili well ,said she wishes to go and teach abroad in countries like United States and China.

" I know the subject of kiswahili more deeply , I wanted to teach kiswahili abroad , such as in the United States, so that I could spread kiswahili all over the world"she said.

The education of the graduate with a degree in kiswahili continued to say that she has a great ambitious to spread the Swahili languages abroad through teaching .

" Swahili is a popular language especially in East_ African countries, so there fewer opportunities to teach kiswahili than other foreign countries, I am struggling to find opportunities to teach abroad " she said.

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