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Tanzania have supported Palestine to become a member of the UN ( united Nation)

United Nation collaboration

 The General Assembly of the United Nations has adopted with a large majority of votes a resolution supporting Palestine to become a full member of the union where many African countries including Tanzania have supported Palestine to become a member of the UN.

The DW Kiswahili network has reported that the resolution has recognized Palestine as having the status of obtaining full membership and calls on the United Nations Security Council to support Palestine's desire to get a seat within the United Nations, the Council has approved the resolution by 143 votes while votes 9 countries including the United States opposing the resolution and 25 failing to participate in the vote by not being present at the meeting. 

The vote also recognizes Palestine's right to become the 194th Member of the United Nations, this means that the request for Palestinian membership will be submitted to the United Nations Security Council. 

Palestine's request to become a member of the United Nations, presented before the Security Council last month, was opposed by the United States by a veto despite strong support in the General Assembly of the United Nations, the United States is expected to repeatedly oppose the new request by veto, the Deputy Ambassador of the United States to the United Nations, Robert Wood, has confirmed the position saying, the administration of President Biden opposes the resolution passed.

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