Tanzania has increased new leaders in various sectors

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 The President of Tanzania, Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan has appointed various Leaders today May 30, 2024 where she has appointed Dr. Mursali Ally Milanzi to be Deputy Executive Secretary, Planning Commission dealing with National Planning issues where before this appointment Dr. Milanzi was the Acting Director of the Department of National Planning at the Planning Commission.

President Samia has also appointed Dr. Lorah Basolile Madete to be Deputy Executive Secretary, Planning Commission dealing with Business Innovation issues where before this appointment Dr. Madete was the Manager of the Department of Economics Central Bank.

President Samia has also appointed Dr. Linda Ezekiel to be Deputy Executive Secretary, Planning Commission dealing with issues of Performance Management and Evaluation where before the appointment she was Acting as a Chief Executive Officer, President's Delivery Bureau (PDB).

In another step, President Samia has appointed Alban Mark Kihulla as the Chief Executive Officer of the Measurement Agency (WMA), before this appointment, Mr. Kihulla was acting in that position while also appointing Prof. Najat Kassim Mohamed to be the Director General of the Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC), before this appointment Prof. Najat was the Deputy Principal of the College (Planning, Administration and Finance), Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT).

President Samia has appointed Bernadetta Nagonyani Ndunguru as the Chairman of the Council for Vocational Education and Vocational Training (NACTVET), Bernadetta is the Director of Retired Training, Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA). 

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