Philosophical ideas have been a great foundation in development, they have been as a source of raising development and various foundations of life ,these ideas have had the skills to show the best ways and foundations in life .
Philosophical ideas are important for the following reasons;_
- The ideas of philosophy are based on raising progress, all ideas that are developed through philosophy have a scientific basis in softening the development of the world.
- The ideas of philosophy have a light that shines far away , development often cannot happen without the basis of philosophy ,the ideas of philosophy have the power to make the economy, science, development and art , so that they can continue in a straight line .
- Philosophical ideas have a broad particle that includes science , economics and art . Thoughts are seeds ,so when we allow them to work , they bring positive results with a solid foundation throughout human life.
- Philosophical ideas have real energy , their energy is energy that moves at speed through thoughts to make progress easier .
- There are many sizes of scientific theories, philosophy theories show accurate maps and diagrams in human development.