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How will art be able to sharpen the vision of young people so that they can make movies that will always be remembered in the world

Art will contribute greatly in to development of movie for adults

 Art is a pillar that brings out today's and tomorrow's things , in art there many branches that represent the message in the world, these branches give an educated message in them about various world events .

In art there many ways young people will be able to show their artistic works that will last for a long time ,for example many young people who produce real movies that reflects the events of today and tomorrow, often their words come from their dreams that keep accurate worldly information.

Art will be able to build better thinking through the writing of various articles that they will be using in their writing practice . Knowledge of art reflects images and makes them valid as seen in the picture . Therefore the steps that art will sharpen the vision of young people include the vision of the image that is created in the mind after reading  and simulating the mind for a long time .

There is a saying that art builds what you love ,young people will have many ways to sharpen their vision because art receives a person who has something he likes and makes it grow further away . This power of art creates many endless perspectives and doors . Art is a factory that turns future vision into future prospects .

Detailed work in various genres of art . Many young people are estimated to have the power of thought in the mind , so giving them opportunities in their artistic work is an important thing in raising our culture and our society eloquently.


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