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A 22_year _old girl has been given a gift after her photography art did well

A girl win her photography gift in Mwanza Tanzania

 A 22_year_old girl who has emerged victorious in photography art in Mwanza region says photography art is in her heart in all aspects of life .

She emerged victorious after his artistic work did well, the victory has given him a good chance to continue preparing good works that can sharpen the world from one place to another.

While in Mwanza areas , she said  "photography is my motivation that makes me happy every time I wake up in the morning, despite getting this gift , I think it will give me the motivation to take from one position to another" 

" Photography art has increased by a large percentage around the global , so we have to work hard to sharpen our art factory in the world" she said while being interviewed by journalists.

She said that I started to love photography art when I was ten years old and after I turned fifteen I started my official  work in the art of photography .

" My behavior in photography is to creat an art that attracts the world in all percentage , because every day I do research to prepare the art that customers like in abundance" she said.

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