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A girl is promoted after cooking good food

A girl is promoted after cooking good food

 A twenty three _year_old girl is promoted after cooking a good meal for an official guest .The girl was given a promotion after making the official guest happy with her good recipes .

It was a few days ago , she was awarded ten thousands of dollars as the best winner for food recipes . The girl studied food and animal issues , so she has a great ability to discover all kinds of cooking.

The girl who was promoted has said that cooking is like her gift which she likes the most , that's why she works hard on it at every step of her life .

"I have cooked well because I have studied this craft more than ten years ago , that's why I have a great ability to recognize all kinds of recipes" she said .

After being interviewed by the official guest at the governor's ceremony, she said that she started cooking at the age of seven after turning eight she started her official studies related to food and livestock, so the preparation has given him the best chance to win and take the first place in cooking .

She concluded by saying that good preparation brings good results in everything in life .

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