AliExpress WW

The year 2024 is a rainy year

 Some areas in the region of Dar es Saalam have been filled with a lot of rain for a long time , these areas have been dangerous especially for transportation , people have failed to work at the right time because the roads are full of water and it has been difficult to travel from one place to another for business purposes .

It has been a challenge for children to go to school , because the roads are full of mud and too much water , so many jobs have stopped behind and wait until the rain ends .

It has also been difficult to meet friends in the office for business matters , 90 % of all businesses have moved to the internet which is easy especially when you are at home .

The increase in rainfall has caused communication outages for a long time about a week , now communication has become a challenge .

There have been many accidents on the road as the water has been causing slippage especially in the bridges and causing unusual accidents .

And so it has forced people to use alternative methods to make their affairs go as required .

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