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The importance of philosophy in economic life , science, culture and the world at large

The importance of philosophy in economic life and world in general

 Philosophy is the most authentic system that guides economics , science , culture and the world using the method of truth , theory and truth specialized in every aspect of life .

This fact raises specific rules and procedures that help promote the economy , science , culture and the world at large .

When we learn philosophy our goals is to find out the truth of something that is found in the universe and out of the world . When we use our vision to describe the world we raise many things in topics like economics , science, culture and the world at large .

Philosophy has become the most specialized scientific system that uses vision , dreams , to explain the truth of matter more clearly . Many of the factors we tend to explain in something are made up of mental cells that are influenced by the interaction of thoughts we receive through hearing .

In economics, philosophy has been used to develop principles , methods , experiments and correct economic responses , meaning philosophy is the source of the legitimate method used to promote world development in the economy .

In science , philosophy has been used to develop theories that later come to creat object realism and perfect quality, for example  , water can produce electricity ? Through the use of philosophy knowledge here we find some very specific facts and reasons without a problem .

In culture , philosophy has been used to unite one community and make the world a village , so philosophy has a measure contribution to the culture of all aspects of life .

So the branch of philosophy is a specialized branch that raises many unseen things and is turned into reality in various uses of the world.

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