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Statistics that show that college education is less capable of fulfilling your life goals in the world than using your natural education because college education only makes you fully aware .

 One of the interviews held last week in Arusha,  Professor Michael said " students fail to run their lives fluently because classroom education does not have the power to make you stay in line " but , classroom education exists only for making dreams and showing you the right way to go through your ways of life .

Nowadays school doesn't make you rich , ten years ago technology was at very small stage , but now technology has grown and branches have expanded , so even someone who does not have education becomes much easier to fully make education.

Life has changed and so requires one to have very broad ideas in making their own things. Too many people who think they are employed than self___employment their ideas are poor and that is why thinking ability is so small compared to someone who has no desire to be employed .

Science every day is changing and even the system of reading is changing as the environment goes .A school or college is a factory that makes a person have the effort that they will spend in their lives , this factory is not very strong , it gives you 20% of the training , but the rest is for yourself .

If you rely on everything in college to teach you will fail , read while you read the world , so that you can find legitimate ways to run your life on earth .

Read us and understand each other as the axis of the world goes so we can design various concepts that will help us live longer .

College education at Africa
College education 

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