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Disadvantage of chatGPT for children and the next generation

Expression of chatGPT in paper

 chatGPT is one type of AI , so many people have been using it in various educational matters , nowadays people don't use much energy in thinking everything depends on chatGPT during generation of various ideas . And we know every technology produced has its advantages and disadvantages for the next generation.

chatGPT has become the most popular tool in the world. People don't use much time in thinking, they just command chatGPT to generate idea for them . Do you think this is really good ? And if it really good what will be happen in the coming generation ? If we will continue relying on chatGPT I think we're going to undermine the creativity for children . Young youths aged 5 _15 they would also depend on chatGPT in making an  idea and thus ,the state of mind of their mind will decrease .This is one of the problem that we will face in the coming generation .

Human mind has a lot of features such as intelligence , genius and strong thinking . If we will relying on chatGPT a certain percentage of creativity of human mind will slow down than normal , since the human mind will lack more exercise for updating genius state in the mind .

The world needs a lot of experts for various field of science, so if we will allow our children and youth to rely on chatGPT, they would loose their effectiveness and competence in their own fields .So we have to keep our children away from relying too much on chatGPT for the rest of their lives because if we let them use chatGPT they will fail to develop their creativity as required in the world and as a result we will find ourselves losing the best work in the world.

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