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Daily timetable and duties

 In my daily activities and statistics, I like to discuss with various scholars in the world, this situation makes me able to gather many different ideas for different scholars , thus why I get a lot of capability and topics in various field in the world.

We often say that in order to get more things and more topics , you have to live with different people so that you can get new technical ideas in order to maintain your talent solid.

Fisherman , Fisherman often help me find information about new aquatic organisms, meaning it is estimated that  every day  the oceans and lakes forms different organisms, and every day I like to explore the various system of newborn organisms and these experiments tend to help me greatly in designing the various drugs used to treat human diseases.

Breeders, these are the most important people I prefer in livestock, these help me greatly in investigating the various relationships of animal and other organisms, thus why I get a lot of easy access to various animal data .

Ecologist are the people who help me learn the whole world system and the many characteristics of the world , for example when I learn stone energy , trees and oceans I like to engage with Ecologist to ensure the convenience of finding the  best places in achieving  biological work .

Generally scholars and other people I like to include in my research , reading , scientific experiments and all aspects of the subjects  , the goal is to creat the best thing that is best for most people in the world .

Full communication about science duties and development strategies
Communication about science duties and projects.

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