My permanent shirt
Yes , it protects my body
It has many years at the moment
Protects all the physical empire
And make the body confident
My shirt gives me confidence even if I haven't eaten
I see it well the world
I'm not afraid because my shirt protects me everyday,
And make me live and happy
Rich telling me poor
My shirt opposes them with strong arguments
With strong solidarity and solidarity
I see no darkness and shame
Meaning I am protected by a shirt
Internal temperature does not appear in the event
Stays inside to maintain internal nutrients
My shirt ,even if it is wet , it doesn't tell me !
Meaning is created for mental material
The beauty of this garment contradicts even the rays of light
When wind blowing the shirt doesn't shake
Because it has a united power
Holding a shirt on all sides of the square
The shirt ratio is close
You can't see it quickly
Dirt dissappears from time to time
To ensure the health of the shirt is good at protecting the physical empire perfectly.