Success story play a lot in achieving dreams

Story in mind about success

 Night and day I think 

In dream and in mind 

Some activities are slowly moving 

With friends all mind speaks a lake of success

The passion of success is sinking in 

And stay fully 

That is why influence is so great 

Running without leaving the path point 

The bag is packed with success papers

Has no part to put in other things 

It only keeps the papers to get safe 

Every time I stay dreaming of walking 

To make the body strong 

These conversation occupy a great mental position as a cow's stomach,

Which is often buried in specific program in mind 

Fear all I poured down to help the earth grows the grass of the heavens,

In the ears there successful cotton 

That bothers me every hour so I can hear it perfectly.

I don't care about the mud I go through

In the heart there is a lake of success

Producing sweet fish to be eaten 

The desire to seek them is great for they are sitting in the heart ,

And that is how blood pushes them to bring about physical success.

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